"If you are going to be sarcastic about Nawaz Sharif ideology, then let me tell you in no uncertain terms that only he is allowed to define that ideology. Remember that Bhuttoism began to be defined by others only after Bhutto's death - his daughter Benazir first defined it after his judicial murder and now her spouse Asif Ali Zardari defines it as the undisputed leader of the party and..."
"I get it, but after Nawaz Sharif how will you refer to Nawaz Sharif ideology?"
"It will be taken over by a member of his family, now you and I both know that the one and the only one who is adhering to that ideology is his daughter and eldest born and need I add the heir is not a brother, I mean even Saudi Arabia has made some amendments in this regard namely that the oldest male agnate inherits which in the past had been a brother and not the son..."
"Why in the world do you complicate matters, all I wanted to know was if Bhuttoism is an ideology who ever and how ever you define it then how will you refer to Nawaz Sharif ideology? Would you refer to it as Nawala ideology? Or Sharifism but then that would include the Sharifs who are not in a direct line of inheritance, so how would you refer to that ideology?"
"You are so very, very shallow."
"Maybe, but question stands."
"How about Nawazism?"
"Nah, it doesn't have a ring to it. How about Nawazeology?"
"That sounds like genealogy or worse gynaecology."
"Don't be facetious."
"I mean Bhuttoism had a ring to it, like Marxism and Leninism and capitalism."
"I agree, so how about simply as Nism?"
"Yep, that has a ring to it but if Bhuttoism has four syllables then the Nawaz ideology should have one more."
"In that case we can accommodate the entire name. How about Nawaz Sharifism? That's six syllables to the PPP's five."
"That's true, but you know that's two names and not one so..."
"Stop I have had enough - Nawaz Sharifsm is it."
"Want to discuss what it means?"
"That's it no?"
Copyright Business Recorder, 2017