Home »Top Stories » Pakistan conducts night training launch of Ghaznavi missile
Pakistan has successfully carried out night training launch of surface to surface ballistic missile Ghaznavi, capable of delivering multiple types of warheads up to a range of 290 kilometers, ISPR said on Thursday. "This training launch was the culminating point of the Field Training Exercise of Army Strategic Forces Command, which was aimed at practicing quick response procedures," said the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) in a statement.

It added that the training launch was witnessed by commander Army Strategic Forces Command and other civil military officials. "Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee and services chiefs have appreciated the team involved," the ISPR said.

President Dr Arif Alvi and Prime Minister Imran Khan have also conveyed their appreciation to the team and congratulations to the nation on this landmark achievement. Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi also congratulated the nation on successful launch of the ballistic missile Ghaznavi, saying this launch will prove to be unbeatable increase in the capabilities of the country's defence. Meanwhile, Chief of Army Staff General Qamar Javed Bajwa visited formations of Strike Corps where he was briefed on the state of operational preparedness.

"Strike Corps has critical and decisive role in war. Your state of preparedness, training standards and high morale are very encouraging which enhance confidence," the Army Chief was quoted by the ISPR as having said.

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