After clicking this link, the second step is to obtain password from the FBR. For obtaining password the following information would be provided in the system: CNIC, prefix,: first name, middle name and last name, current service provider, cell number and confirmed cell No. The system would allocate password to the applicant or person seeking FBR data.
The third step is to enter CNIC and password on the FBR website and access the personal information. When contacted, the FBR spokesperson said that if the person is not registered with the FBR IRIS system, the individual will send his CNIC No. to 9966 from his own mobile number. The system-based code would be generated and sent on the mobile phone of the user, which would be utilised for accessing the FBR portal, he added. The NADRA officials said that citizens can have access to data by using the NADRA service. The NADRA portal could be accessed by paying Rs 500 fee.
The eligible persons are those Pakistani nationals who hold a valid CNIC/NICOP as well as PTA registered mobile phone number (for citizen residing in Pakistan only), have an email address (for citizen residing outside Pakistan), have made payment of Rs 500 either through e-sahulat or credit/debit card and are above or 18 years of age.
According to the NADRA, one can access Tax Profiling System from anywhere in the world through the internet using a computer, tablet or smart phone. Any Pakistani national can view/download his/her tax profile after a verification process. The step by step system for accessing data from NADDR website is as follows: Click link; https://taxnet.nadra. The first step is to register with NADRA by creating an account. The account would be created by submitting the CNIC number.
Under the security checks, the system would ask two security questions to verify one's identity. In case of correct answers, one can view one's profile. The second step is payment of Rs 500 either through e-sahulat or credit/debit card. The third step is to view one profile at NADRA website.