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  • Dec 4th, 2018
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Finance Minister Asad Umar Monday chaired focused meeting with NACTA and FIA to review progress on FATF Action Plan. The meeting was attended by Minister of State for Interior, Secretary Finance, Secretary Interior, DG-FMU, Legal Adviser, FMU, DG-FIA, DG-CFT NACTA and other senior officials, says a press release issued here.

During the meeting, DG-CFT NACTA gave a detailed presentation on the actions taken by NACTA in implementation of FATF Action Plan. The finance minister advised to make internal action plans with specific timelines on implementation of FATF Action Plan so that all Action Plan items are completed within the agreed time lines.

The finance minister it may be added, will chair a series of meetings with all the institutions relevant to counter terrorism to review the progress and address any gaps that may exist in terms of completing the required actions.-PR

Copyright Business Recorder, 2018

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