Home »Supplements » KGH Celebrating 100 Years » Kharadar General Hospital 1918-2018

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Hundred Years of Services - Historical Perspective Looking back at the last 100 years.

1918-During the British rule, Karachi was overrun by the plague and smallpox. Domiciliary services were established providing midwives and nurses who would give vaccinations and help with deliveries at home.

1934-Indian Hindu Family Seth Aesar Das and his son Aasan Mill donated a lakh rupees towards a maternity home.

1934-Mrs. R.E. Gibson laid the foundation stone for the maternity home.

1936 Lady Graham inaugurated the opening of the maternity home that consisted of 50 beds.

14 August 1947-After the Independence of Pakistan, the mayor of Karachi Jamshed Mehta Nasarvanji supervised the continuation of services.

1952-A general dispensary was opened in the evening that provided medicine to aid deliveries and general surgeries.

"The hospital was known as 'Cement Hospital' due to the color of cement and the elegant design of the building"

1958 Diagnostic services were established.

1963-Vaccinations for mothers and children were started.

1964-Family planning services were established.

1969-A specialist pediatric clinic was established where famous child specialist Dr. Abbas Ghani provided his services.

1976-A specialist surgeon clinic was established.

1980-X-Ray department was established where assistance was provided by Church World Services.

1982-Partnership with EPI was agreed to help provide vaccination against 6 contagious diseases.

1987-Ultrasound services were established.

1989-Begum Nusrat Bhutto laid the foundation for the new wing of the Hospital.

The famous lawyer, JanMohammad Dawood, asked his son, Mohammad Bashir JanMohammad, to take a keen interest and help in the running and general administration of the hospital.

Under the guidance of such a well-known businessman and personality, the hospital progressed and gained fame.

1991-JanMohammad Dawood inaugurated the new building consisting of 100 beds.

1993-A neonatal wing was established providing nursery facilities.

1994-Polyclinic services were established where medical and surgical specialists were available.

1995-The Hospital changed its name to Kharadar General Hospital.

1996-Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation center was inaugurated under the name of Farhat Rasheed.

1996-Started providing services at the Operation Theatre.

1998-Kharadar General Hospital was honored by being called a 'baby friendly hospital'.

2000-First floor was constructed where medical and surgery departments were initiated along with the addition of 100 new beds.

2002-Recognized as a Post Graduate Teacher Center while gaining affiliation with the College of Physicians and Surgeons (CPSP).

2002 Established Paeds, Neonatal and Adult ICUs.

2003-Inaugurated the opening of evening clinics along with free thalassemia clinic services.

2004-Initiated mammography services.

2005-Pakistan Nursing Council approved the starting of educational services at the School of Nursing.

2005-Pakistan Medical and Dental Council (PMDC) approved house job training.

2006-The new pharmacy building started operations.

2007-In honor of his years of service, the Hospital inaugurated the Professor Abdul Ghaffar Billoo Operation Complex that consisted of 6 operation theatres.

2008-The high quality laboratory services were certified by RIQAS - UK.

2009-The Hospital's quality medical services were acknowledged with ISO CERTIFIED 9001:2008.

2010-A new X-Ray department building started operations

2012-Expanded the clinical laboratories.

2013-Institute of Health Sciences started training programs approved by Sindh Medical Faculty.

2014-The newly constructed OBS / GYN private wing started operations.

2016-DOW University of Health Sciences allowed Kharadar General Hospital School of Nursing to establish a graduation program alongwith starting a Post RN & BSCN programs.

2017-Emergency Department was expanded.

2018-The new building of the Nursing Education Block was completed and will start operations shortly where nursing graduation and masters programs will commence.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2018

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