He apprehended it could lead to great loss to the exporters because of cancellation of vital orders as carriers and other freight-loaded ships anchored at the terminal have not been offloaded owing to the strike. He said national economy relies heavily on textile exports and a crisis-like situation is posing serious threat to the viability of the industry that is not able to meet international commitments and failure to perform would lead to disputes, loss of valued customers and of market share as well as damaging Pakistan's reputation as a reliable supplier.
"Workers' strike has ceased business activities. Entire operation at the terminal has been halted," he said. Mian Shaiq alerted that blockage of export goods would hurt the growth pace because at the moment, industrial production and exports are registering positive growth. He cited that trade deficit has already reached its highest and national debt is also on the hike; hence, economy cannot bear such delay in trade activities.