The chairman FBR reportedly pointed towards the challenges posed by smuggling of various items and submitted that while the efforts of the FBR to curb the smuggling of various items have met with success in respect of various items, the desired results have not been achieved in the case of other specific items such as tyres, tea, foreign cigarettes, etc. Member (Customs) and Member (HRM) also put forth their views in this respect and submitted that items such as tyres and tea are in the negative list.
Director General, Broadening of Tax Base (BTB), FBR, submitted that through concerted enforcement efforts, significant inroads were made in the detection and confiscation of non-duty paid cigarettes and this proved to be a successful initiative. Member Legal and FBR Member (Customs) shed light upon the challenges faced by customs authorities in effectively curbing cross-border smuggling due to dearth of manpower and opined that the only sustainable solution was to recruit, train and equip personnel.
Member (Customs) opined that the ongoing border fencing resulting in controlled entry/exit should have a positive impact on efforts aimed towards curbing corruption and smuggling.