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Home »Taxation » Pakistan » Track and trace system: TRIC, FBR agree on monitoring of tobacco products

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  • Feb 17th, 2018
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The Tax Reform Implementation Committee (TRIC) and Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) have principally agreed that under the track and trace system of tobacco products, the concerned company will provide full investment while the tax department will be involved in monitoring of manufacturing process and clearance of tobacco products.

Sources told Business Recorder here on Friday that the track and trace system of tobacco products was discussed during one of the last meetings of the Tax Reform Implementation Committee (TRIC) held at the FBR House.

During this meeting, the chairman FBR had initiated the discussion by drawing a reference to the current track and trace system of the customs in which the cargo movement is monitored by keeping a track of the trucks moving from place to place. Currently a private limited company is involved in tracking the cargo movement.

The chairman apprised the committee that current RFP for monitoring of tobacco products needs to be amended in line with the recommendations made by various bidders and other stakeholders, whereby the company on the basis of requirements of the FBR will install the system. The company will provide full investment, while the department will be involved in monitoring product manufacturing. The authorities highlighted the importance of short listing two to three bidders to increase competition for the benefit of the department, and the chairman FBR agreed to it. Member (TRC) Abid Shaban was of the view that online monitoring of goods shouldn't be compromised.

In the meeting it was decided that certain monitoring procedures have to be put in place and that standardization and prescreening would be carried out and completed. It was decided that standardization would be drafted and comments of other members of the sub-committee would be sought and once the sub-committee approves the process, the same will be reviewed by the chairman and then rolled out.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2018

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