A professional technocrat with experience of working in various capacities with Government of Pakistan, Dr Musharraf Rasool holds a PhD in Economics from world renowned Georgia State University after completing his Masters in Development Management from University College London. His doctoral studies in Economics focused on pricing, consumer behavior, taxation, investment in public assets, quantitative methods and analytical tools for efficiency and effectiveness.
Earlier during start of his professional career, he stood first in the nationwide competitive exam for Civil Service of Pakistan and awarded the prestigious Gold Medals in management courses in the Civil Service Academy. He has numerous achievements to his credit, attaining excellence in his work during his illustrious career. He has also been trained in Aviation Management from Embry-Riddle University, Florida, USA.
Dr Musharraf Rasool has wide ranging experience in implementation of public sector programs in Pakistan, especially leading the design and implementation of public sector reforms. From 2002 to 2005, he led implementation of decentralization reforms programme, financed by the Asian Development Bank.-PR
Copyright Business Recorder, 2017