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Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has raised Kashmir issue in meetings with international leaders at sidelines of United Nations General Assembly session in New York. According to details, the Prime Minister met Saudi Crown Prince and Vice Prime Minister Muhammad bin Nayef and briefed him about continuous atrocities of India in held-Kashmir.

Sartaj Aziz, Adviser to the Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs, Syed Tariq Fatemi, Special Assistant to the Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs and Foreign Secretary Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry assisted the Prime Minister during the meeting. Both leaders expressed satisfaction on the excellent state of bilateral ties between Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, which are both important pillars of the Muslim world. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif reaffirmed Pakistan's unequivocal support for protection and safeguarding sovereignty and territorial integrity of Saudi Arabia against any threat.

Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif said that the entire state of Jammu & Kashmir had been reduced to a jail by the Indian Occupation forces. Referring to the recent threatening statements from the Indian Government, the Prime Minister said that such statements will put in danger the regional peace and stability. The Prime Minister stressed that the international community needs to realise the gravity of the issue and should play its role to resolve this political issue through dialogue according to the wishes and aspirations of the people of Jammu & Kashmir and in accordance with the UNSC resolutions. "Kashmiri people must be allowed to decide about their destiny, the Prime Minister said. The Prime Minister called for the OIC and other Muslim countries to raise their voice for their brothers and sisters in Kashmir Valley.

Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif shared details with the Saudi Crown Prince of Pakistan's successful Operation Zarb-e-Azb against terrorists as well as the National Action Plan which is aimed at eliminating extremism from the country. There was a need for a collective response by the Muslim world to defeat and eliminate this threat from the region, both the leaders reiterated.

The two sides also exchanged views on the regional situation, particularly peace efforts in Afghanistan, as well as Syria, Iraq and Yemen. Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif highlighted the need to forge unity and harmony within the Muslim world. Talking to British Prime Minister Theresa May, the premier said people of occupied Kashmir must be allowed to choose their destination as per the United Nations Security Council resolutions.

Highlighting the fast deteriorating situation in the Indian Occupied Jammu & Kashmir, the Prime Minister said that our support for Kashmiri people in their just and legitimate struggle for self determination and commitment to the Kashmir Cause are absolutely non-negotiable. "We will not disappoint our Kashmiri brethren at any cost; we will keep on reminding the international community of its decades old commitments that have not been honoured till today, the Prime Minister reaffirmed," he added.

"Gross human rights violations and brutal state oppression in the Indian Occupied Kashmir are at their peak; it is the duty of the international community to ask India to immediately end state atrocities on innocent and defenceless Kashmiri people," the Prime Minister emphasised. The Prime Minister requested the British Prime Minister to play her role in convincing India to stop brutal use of force. The people of Jammu & Kashmir must be allowed to choose their destiny and longstanding resolutions of the UNSC on the right to self-determination of the Kashmiri people need to be implemented, the Prime Minister stated.

If the international community does not succeed in asking India to immediately end state oppression against the innocent people in Jammu & Kashmir, India will be encouraged to increase the intensity of the continuing state atrocities, the Prime Minister remarked.

Theresa May appreciated Pakistan's role in eradicating terrorism and extremism from the country. The British Prime Minister lauded the economic turnaround achieved by the present democratic government, achieving growth targets and putting the country on the development path.

The British Prime Minister acknowledged Pakistan's role in bringing lasting peace in Afghanistan. The Prime Minister said that a stable and prosperous Afghanistan is in the interest of Pakistan. The British Prime Minister especially appreciated the constructive role of Pakistani diaspora in the economic development of the United Kingdom. Issues of bilateral significance also came under discussion during the meeting. Advisor to Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs, SAPM and Foreign Secretary were also present during the meeting.

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