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  • Mar 31st, 2016
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The third national conference of Pakistan Association of Medical Editors (PAME) will begin at University of Health Sciences (UHS) from Thursday (today). The theme of three-day conference, which is being organised in collaboration with Eastern Mediterranean Association of Medical Editors (EMAME) and Health Research Advisory Board, is "Professionalism and Medical Journal Editors." The conference will be attended by editors, editorial staff, reviewers and referees of biomedical journals besides academicians and medical writers.

The scientific programme includes keynote lectures, seminar, panel discussions and five workshops on medical writing, publication ethic, editorship, incorporating technology into medical journalism and peer review for editors, reviewers and authors. A wide range of topics such as research integrity, ethical issues in medical journal editing, role of national regulatory bodies, practical issues in medical editing, author's and editor's rights and social responsibilities of medical journalism will be discussed in the conference.

The guest speakers of the conference include Professor M B Rokni, Editor, Iranian Journal of Public Health and Iranian Journal of Parasitology from Tehran University of Health Sciences and Dr Tika Ram from Bhutan. The conference, in which more than 300 editors and professionals are participating, will be inaugurated by Punjab Higher Education Commission's Chairman, Professor Dr Nizamuddin.

In this regard, UHS Vice Chancellor, Major General Professor Muhammad Aslam (Retd) said that the members of PAME had in common a dedication to disseminating good quality research, to attracting wider readership, to improving editorial standards, and to improving visibility of their journals in the face of fierce competition, regionally and globally. He added that the conference presented an opportunity to show the vital importance of journals for the dissemination of health research and for the attainment of better healthcare for all.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2016

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