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  • May 20th, 2015
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The government has projected a highly significant allocation of Rs 149 billion for the construction of motorways and bridges from the Rs 580 billion proposed federal Public Sector Development Programme (PSDP) for the next fiscal year, it was reliably learnt.

Sources told Business Recorder that as per the proposed PSDP, National Highway Authority (NHA) will get the highest allocation of Rs 149.958 billion in federal PSDP for the next fiscal year followed by Rs 113.613 billion for power sector. An allocation of Rs 12.5 billion has been proposed in the PSDP for Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and community development programme and Rs 5 billion for Earth Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Authority (ERRA). An allocation of Rs 43.558 billion has been proposed for Water and Power Division (water sector) in the next fiscal year's PSDP, Rs 20.021 billion for Higher Education Commission, Rs 39 billion for Railways Division, Rs 51 billion for Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC), Rs 27.015 billion for National, Health Services and Regulations and Co-ordination Division, Rs26.113 billion for Planning, Development and Reforms Division and Rs 22.090 billion for Kashmir Affairs, Gilgit Baltistan Division. An allocation of Rs 19.1 billion has been proposed for States & Frontier Regions Division in the PSDP for the next fiscal year.

The government has proposed allocation of Rs 1.377 billion for Aviation Division in the next fiscal year PSDP, Rs 2.767 billion for Cabinet Division, Rs1.806 billion for Capital Administration and Development Division, Rs 3.152 billion for Communications Division (Other than NHA), Rs 4.286 billion for Defence Production Division, Rs 3.375 billion for Education, Training & Standards in Higher Education Division, Rs 11.612 billion for Finance Division, Rs 1.148 billion for Industries & Production Division, Rs 4.164 billion for Housing & Works Division, Rs 1.067 billion for Inter Provincial Co-ordination Division, Rs 3.9 billion for Interior Division, Rs 2.352 billion for Law, Justice & Human Rights Division, Rs 1.071 billion for National Food Security & Research Division, Rs 2.576 billion for Ports & Shipping Division, Rs 1.211 billion for Science & Technological Research Division.

An official said that Planning Commission has proposed two scenarios to the Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif during a recent presentation on utilisation of proposed federal PSDP worth Rs 580 billion for the next fiscal year. They added that if government decides to protect priority project at proposed PSDP allocation of Rs 580 billion, then allocation for federal ministries would decrease from the current level of Rs 299.785 billion to Rs 176 billion but the allocation for NHA and power sector as well as other projects would increase to Rs 236 billion, Rs 156 billion and Rs 38 billion, respectively. However, an allocation of Power Sector and NHA would be Rs 113.613 billion and Rs 149.958 billion, respectively, if allocation of federal ministries is maintained in PSDP at the current fiscal year level of Rs 298.929 billion in the next fiscal year. The official added that the Minister for Planning Commission wants an increase in the federal PSDP for the next fiscal year.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2015

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