However, police rejected the reports that the girls were brought to the city after kidnapping from Bajaur Agency. SHO Supper Market Police Station, Hassan Haidar, told Business Recorder that on the information provided by area people, police conducted a raid at a house in Liaqatabad area and found 26 minor girls. He said that the girls were students of a religious seminary.
He further added that police investigations suggested the owner of the house Ayub was to pay a loan of Rs 400,000 to a lady teacher, Hamida, of the seminary but he could not pay off the debt. On non-payment, the teacher tasked Ayub to look after the girls and left them at his home. He said that some TV channels misreported the incident, claiming the girls were kidnapped. "We have talked to most of the families of the girls, and they have rejected any possibility of kidnapping. All the girls have been kept at SSP Liaqatabad's office," he added.