Home »Top Stories » Five killed in stadium suicide blast

At least five persons were killed and nine others injured when a suicide bomber blew himself in Tehmas Khan Football Stadium in Shahi Bagh, here on Sunday. According to eyewitnesses, a man entered into the stadium and started firing and later detonated explosive tied with body, killing five persons and rendered nine others injured. The explosion occurred when the registration of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) was underway in the facility.

Meanwhile, rescue workers and security personnel rushed to the spot, cordoned off the area and started search operation. The injured were rushed to nearby Lady Reading Hospital.

Talking to media, Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Operations told that 10 kilogram explosive material was used in the suicide explosion.

KP Chief Minister, Pervez Khattak has strongly condemned suicide explosion during IDPs registration for repatriation of IDPs in Tehmas Khan Football Stadium and mosque and loss of precious human lives in it. The chief minister has termed the sorrowful incident of terrorism cowardice and merciless act of anti-state and anti-nation elements. He said that for the facilitation of the IDPs, the provincial government made suitable security arrangements. But, he said that in forceful entering into the stadium in guise of IDPs and committing terrorism is the act of anti-peace and anti-state elements.

He said that though this time terrorists succeeded in fulfilling their nefarious designs. However, he said our police, investigative and intelligence agencies are not weak and have been strengthened. He was confident that police, and intelligence agencies will succeed in tracking down the terrorists and their whole network.

The chief minister further said that terrorists are stopping them from extending relief to IDPs. But, they are their brothers and sisters and guardians of national frontiers. He said that they will not only take-care of them in camps, but will also extend all possible facilities to them both on their arrival as well as on repatriation.

The chief minister said that on the matters of the operation and security of IDPs and Afghan refugees' the provincial government will not take any harsh step to pressurise federal government, rather in the performing its responsibility they will provide them full opportunity.

Shortly after the incident the chief minister contacted the provincial police chief, Chief Secretary and political administration for taking the incident seriously and unveiling of the network of terrorists. He expressed heartiest sympathies with affected families and prayed for the eternal peace of the martyrs. He directed the district administration for provision of better treatment to injure and extending of full co-operation with the affected families and preparation of inquiry report from all angles and furnishes report to him.

The chief minister strongly admonished the unnecessary arrest and harassment of IDPs and Afghan refugees in the context of the incident. However, he also stressed further strengthening of security and intelligence agencies to keep check on the activities of anti-state and anti-social elements.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2014

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