(i) conduct a random statistical survey of a given power distribution company by comparing units billed in two months before and two months after, when tariff was revised by order; (ii) ascertain the trend which has developed in units billed in each of the consumers categories viz industrial, commercial and bulk as a result of change in tariff; (iii) select at least two 'revenue circles; within a given power distribution company for the purpose of conducting on spot billing survey; (iv) select a suitable sample size from within the categories of intended consumers (industrial, commercial and bulk) for the purpose of making necessary analysis; (v) compile a well-structured report on the survey concerned on all areas of relevance and submit the same to the Additional Secretary in charge of the billing audit within a week of conducting the survey. A team may co-opt any other official of a public sector enterprise if his/her assistance is deemed useful for attainment of objectives of the billing survey. -PR
(i) conduct a random statistical survey of a given power distribution company by comparing units billed in two months before and two months after, when tariff was revised by order; (ii) ascertain the trend which has developed in units billed in each of the consumers categories viz industrial, commercial and bulk as a result of change in tariff; (iii) select at least two 'revenue circles; within a given power distribution company for the purpose of conducting on spot billing survey; (iv) select a suitable sample size from within the categories of intended consumers (industrial, commercial and bulk) for the purpose of making necessary analysis; (v) compile a well-structured report on the survey concerned on all areas of relevance and submit the same to the Additional Secretary in charge of the billing audit within a week of conducting the survey. A team may co-opt any other official of a public sector enterprise if his/her assistance is deemed useful for attainment of objectives of the billing survey. -PR