Home »Top Stories » NAB chairman: Nawaz recommends former Justice Ejaz’s name

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  • Sep 22nd, 2013
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Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has proposed the name of former Justice Ejaz Ahmed Chaudhry for the appointment as National Accountability Bureau (NAB) Chairman. Nawaz proposed the name of former Justice Ejaz, in a meeting with opposition leader Khurshid Shah on Saturday. The two leaders also discussed the name of former Justice Ajmal Mian for the coveted slot.

Talking to media after a meeting with the Prime Minister, Khurshid Shah said the Prime Minister proposed the name of former Justice Ejaz Ahmed Chaudhry for NAB chairman's slot. The opposition leader said he has no serious objections to the name of Ejaz Chaudhry but deliberations are required to build a consensus for appointing a non-controversial figure for the slot of NAB Chairman.

During the meeting, the sources said the Prime Minister objected to the name of former Justice Ajmal Mian. They said the Prime Minister said Ajmal was federal law secretary during the November 3 emergency. Federal Finance Minister Senator Ishaq Dar was also present in the meeting. According to sources four names were proposed earlier, two each by the government and the opposition had been rejected and now there were two names on the table - former Justice Ajmal Mian and former Justice Ejaz Ahmed Chaudhry.

The government had earlier proposed the names of former Justice Rehmat Hussain Jaffery and former federal secretary Khawaja Zaheer Ahmed and the opposition had put forward the name of former Justice Bhagwandas and former Justice Sardar Raza. The appointment of NAB chairman requires consultations between the prime minister and opposition leader as per the Constitution.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2013

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