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  • Apr 21st, 2013
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Chief of Army Staff, General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani on Saturday said Pakistan is fully capable of responding effectively to any threat and added that despite the current focus on internal security, the armed forces remained fully prepared to defeat an external direct threat.

"Pakistan is a peace loving country. Our quest for peace is essentially based on a genuine desire to improve our lot and that of our future generations. Let no one see it as a weakness," he made these remarks while addressing Graduating Cadets of 127th PMA Long Course, Integrated Course 46 and Mujahid Course-1 here at Pakistan Military Academy.

The CoAS said, "We have exercised restraint in the face of some very belligerent statements in recent months. Let it suffice to say that Pakistan is fully capable of responding effectively to any threat. Despite our current focus on internal security, we remain fully prepared to defeat an external direct threat."

General Kayani said let there be no doubt that with a strong Pak Army and the nation standing with it united, no harm could ever come to Pakistan, adding that in its short history, the country had overcome many challenges that would have overwhelmed lesser nations. He expressed the confidence that the nation could do it again.

The CoAS said, "We are going through difficult times, but so had every other successful nation at some time in their history." Pak Army is fully committed to the cause and as always standing with the nation. He assured that the nation would succeed if it remained committed to the basis for creation of Pakistan and remain steadfast as a nation. He reminded that Pakistan was created in the name of Islam and Islam can never ever be taken out of Pakistan. However, Islam should always remain a unifying force.

He said that regardless of odds, Pakistan Army would keep on doing its best towards its common dream for a truly Islamic Republic of Pakistan envisioned by the Quaid-e-Azam and Allama Iqbal. He said "this day marks the culmination of your basic military training at an Institution which stands out with distinction amongst the leading military academies of the world." He felicitated the cadets for becoming part of the great institution that is Pakistan Army.

General Kayani also congratulate the graduating cadets of brotherly Islamic countries; Palestine, Sudan and Turkmenistan. The CoAS also extended his special commendations to the Champion Company and those who have won awards of excellence. He said that it was their first and foremost responsibility to maintain these standards. "I have full trust that you will never hesitate to always place your country, Pak Army and your men before your own selves."

He asked the cadets that they had become part of an institution where nothing else but their own merit would be the sole consideration for career progression. "Be ambitious. There is nothing wrong with it, but the only way to achieve your ambitions is through hard work. There is no shortcut to it. Do have a dream and always aim high." He urged them to take pride in excellence in whatever they do, as this is the best source of personal satisfaction.

The CoAS awarded Sword of Honour for the overall best cadet of the 127 Long course to Battalion Senior Under Officer Syed Awais Iftikhar, President's Gold Medal for the overall second best cadet to Battalion Senior Under Officer, Hassan Javed, Chief of Army Staff Overseas Gold Medal for the best Allied Cadet to Allied Under Officer Muhsin Basheer Mohamed Saeed Elzaki, Chief of Army Staff Cane for the best Gentleman Cadet of Integrated Course-46 to Course Under Officer, Muhammad Asad Ali and Commandant's Cane for the best cadet of Mujahid Course I, Course Under Officer Muhammad Adnan. Earlier, Major General Sadiq Ali, Commandant Pakistan Military Academy, welcomed the Chief of Army Staff when he arrived in the Parade Ground. The diplomats, senior military officers, parents and relatives of the passing out cadets witnessed the passing out parade.

Copyright Associated Press of Pakistan, 2013

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