A three-member bench headed by Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry heard the case in response to a petition filed by Workers Party. The bench directed the AGP to inform everyone that the court would not allow any delay in the forthcoming general election under the pretext of any legislation.
During the course of proceeding, the AGP submitted that the ECP and the petitioner's recommendations had been received and the Law Ministry was considering recommending a legislation in light of those recommendations. Chief Justice Chaudhry directed Qadir not to leave the matter with the Law Ministry and to initiate consultation process with the concerned high-ups for early formulation of laws.
"The court understands that legislation will take time," the Chief Justice remarked. He further said that the ECP had already issued a code of conduct for the elections, and observed that the electoral process had begun in the country. "There should not be any delay in elections on the pretext of legislation," the Chief Justice Chaudhry said. The hearing of the case was adjourned till February 13.