Currently, different petroleum products are selling at following prices: HOBC at Rs 135.26 per litre, Premium Rs 102.65 per litre, High Speed Diesel Rs 109.77 per litre, Light Speed Diesel Rs 93.99 per litre and Kerosene Oil Rs 99.03 per litre. After the nominal reduction in the petrol price it will be sold at Rs 101.42 per litre while kerosene oil will be available at Rs 98.81 per litre.
The authority also has announced a nominal reduction in jet fuel as it reduced JP-1 price by Re0.18 per litre, JP-4 by Re 0.7 per litre and JP-8 by Re0.18 per litre. After this reduction JP-1 will be available at Rs 88.04 per litre against Rs 88.22 per litre, JP-4 at Rs 80.94 per litre against Rs 81.01 and JP-8 at Rs 87.72 per litre against Rs 87.90 per litre.