Home »Agriculture and Allied » Pakistan » Attack by insects on wheat crop feared: farmers advised to take precautionary measures

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  • Jun 3rd, 2012
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Farmers should take precautionary measures for protecting the newly harvested wheat grain from insects' onslaught, besides pests and seasonal moistures, met office has advised. In the 10-day, the office warned the growers, may rodents, insects and fungi attacks to damage the newly threshed wheat grain in the post harvesting period, advising them of taking pre-emptive measures.

It says wheat grains should be placed under hygienic conditions in godowns, and suggested the use of Neem tree leaves in wheat sacks and other chemicals may be useful to protect grains from attacks by rodents, insects and fungi. It says harvesting and threshing of wheat crop has completed in major agriculture areas of Sindh, Punjab and Khyber Pakhunkhwa (KP).

It says keeping in view the rising daytime temperatures with expected spell of dry weather in the coming days, farmers should complete sowing of cotton and irrigate the standing cotton/ sugarcane crops properly so that growth of these crops may not suffer from shortage of water at early stages.

The expected rise in daytime temperature and heat waves during the next 10 days may increase water discharge in the river and canals of the country, the office says, adding that the rise of canal water may cause damaged the standing Kharif crops.

Daytime temperature is expected to drop gradually during the next five days of and reach normal level from 6 to 8 June. However, it may rise subsequently. Weather in Punjab, KP, Balochistan and Sindh is expected to remain mainly very hot and dry during next 10 days.

However, it says light rain and thunderstorm is expected at isolated places in the agricultural plains of central and upper parts of Punjab and KP during evening and night time, while rain, thunderstorm is expected at isolated places of Northeast Balochistan from 6 to 8 June.

Weather in Gilgit-Baltistan and Kashmir is likely to remain mostly cloudy with chances of rain, thunderstorm at isolated places during the period, the forecaster says. The office says dust raising wind is likely to blow in the country especially in southern and central Punjab, lower KP, upper Sindh and north-eastern Balochistan in the next 10 days.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2012

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