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  • Nov 15th, 2011
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A meeting of some selected ministers and senior leadership of Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) was held Monday night here in the Presidency under the Chairmanship of the co-chairman PPP President Asif Ali Zardari. Earlier, the Prime Minister also called on the President. Current political situation was discussed during the meeting.

The Prime Minister briefed the meeting about his recent visits to Australia, Russia and Maldives and his meetings with the leadership of the host countries, Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and other dignitaries on the sidelines of the events. Spokesperson Farhatullah Babar said that the meeting expressed satisfaction and felicitated the Prime Minister on his successful visits which helped to highlight Pakistan's role and position on important issues of regional as well as international outlook and also pleading Pakistan's case for SCO's full membership.

He said that the meeting decided to call Ambassador Hussain Haqqani, Pakistan's Ambassador in Washington, to Islamabad to brief the country's leadership on a host of issues impacting on Pak-US relations and the recent developments. Relief and rehabilitation measures taken so far for the rain-hit people in various parts of the country, especially in Sindh, were also discussed during the meeting.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2011

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