Following steps have been taken in this regard:
1. Passes will be issued to the petitioners, respondents, their learned counsel appearing before the Court.
2. The entry of the journalists, who regularly cover Supreme Court proceedings will also be made through passes. Any additional demand for journalists' entry could be made to the Deputy Registrar, Supreme Court Branch Registry, Karachi.
3. As regards others, passes will be issued to all those who are interested to watch court proceedings but subject to seating capacity in the said courtroom.
Passes to be issued on "first-come-first-serve-basis" may be obtained from the office of the Deputy Registrar Supreme Court Branch Registry, Karachi.
4. Entry into court building will be allowed after checking/frisking and searching of bags/purses etc. No Cell phone can be carried inside the courtroom.
Special arrangements have been put in place to ensure foolproof security at the premises of the court. We expect all concerned to follow the instructions and cooperate with the security staff on duty in the court premises.-PR