But on Friday, traders were forced to close their shops early, on the eve of arrival of Dr Imran Farooq's dead body. "Some people came to us and said close your shops before 5 pm," said a small trader at Guru Mandir. Public transport also disappeared from the roads in the evening hours of Friday following a bus torching incident in the metropolis. Most of the petrol pumps and CNG stations were also closed early after the warning by some people.
At around 6.30 pm some 60 percent of the markets were closed for fears of violence and destruction to their businesses, traders said. The city traders have already announced to keep their businesses shut on the funeral day of Dr Imran Farooq. "Situation here is tense as traders are very much perturbed whether to close or continue their businesses on Friday. However, all markets will remain closed on Friday," said Chairman Old City Traders Alliance, Jamil Paracha.