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  • May 16th, 2010
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Appreciating Pakistan for announcing a relief package for the earthquake victims of Qinghai province of China, Madam Le Aimei, wife of the Chinese foreign minister, termed it as a genuine expression of all-weather Pakistan-China friendship.

Madam Le was speaking as a chief guest at the Fundraiser Bazaar held here in the Chancery on Saturday for the victims of earthquake that struck North West China on April 14. She on the occasion expressed gratitude on behalf of the government and people of China to the government of Pakistan for supporting her country in their hour of trial.

Saying that it is a great honour for her to come here at the Fundraiser Bazaar, Madam Le expressed her gratitude to the Pakistan embassy and the Pakistan Women Association for making such an impressive arrangement. She said that the funds collected through this Bazaar will greatly help in supporting the earthquake affected people of Yushu in Qinghai province.

Madam particularly appreciated the Government of Pakistan for announcing a relief package for the earthquake victims. The holding of Fundraiser Bazaar was part of Pakistan's efforts towards the relief assistance for the earthquake-affected people of Qinghai, China.

Ambassador Masood Khan in his speech reaffirmed the sentiments of sympathy, support and solidarity of the Pakistani people and leadership for the people of China at this hour of trial. He noted that the primary objective of the event was to collect funds for the assistance of earthquake affectees of Yushu and Jiegu. He said that Pakistan would assist them to the best of its abilities.

He thanked Chinese and Pakistani individuals and businessmen for their generous contributions at the event and Pakistani families for working hard to make the Fundraiser a success. Zohra Masood, Patron of Pakistani Women Association Beijing chapter, in her remarks, referred to the prompt assistance and support provided by the Government of China to the earthquake affected people of Pakistan in October 2005 and Pakistan's support to the Sichuan earthquake affectees in 2008. She underlined that the people and the government of Pakistan and China have stood by each other in meeting the challenges arising from the earthquake.

She thanked the representatives of the Pakistani and Chinese companies for their donations. The event was jointly organised by Pakistan Embassy and the Pakistani Women Association, Beijing. The Bazaar included Pakistani food and beverage stalls, Pakistani snacks and sweets, Pakistani handicrafts, Pakistani Henna and games/toys for the children.

A large number of Pakistanis including businessmen, students, media as well as Chinese officials, business representatives, media organisations, think tanks, universities and members of the diplomatic corps attended the Bazaar. Earlier, before start of the programme, the gathering observed one-minute silence and lit candles in remembrance of those who lost their lives in the earthquake. The proceeds of the Fundraiser will be sent to the earthquake victims through the Chinese Foreign Ministry.

Copyright Associated Press of Pakistan, 2010

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