Home »Top Stories » Pakistan concerns must be factored in Afghan policy: Gilani tells US

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  • Nov 14th, 2009
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Prime Minister Yusuf Raza Gilani on Friday welcomed the US initiative of taking Pakistan into confidence and seeking its input in its ongoing review of Afghan policy. The Prime Minister underlined that Pakistan's concerns on the possible effects of surge in US forces in Afghanistan, particularly in the bordering province of Helmand and on crossing over of Afghan Taliban into Pakistan's territory, must be factored in the new policy.

He called for regular consultations and co-ordination between the two sides in deployment of the US forces in Afghanistan, strengthening of the mechanism of border Co-ordination Centres, fencing of Pakistan-Afghan border, introduction of telemetric system for stemming the supply of weapons and drugs and stopping the cross over of undesirable elements from Afghanistan into Pakistan.

The Prime Minister was talking to General James L Jones (R), US National Security Advisor of President Obama who called on him on Friday at the PM House. The Prime Minister noted that the US reimbursements of Pakistan's claims of Coalition Support Fund had been inordinately delayed and urged that they must be settled forthwith in order to strengthen Pakistan's hands in its ongoing operations against militants and terrorists.

He pointed out that provision of market access and establishment of Reconstruction Opportunity Zones through the passage of ROZs Bills as well as delivering on the US pledges to help Pakistan in the energy sector can greatly help in removal of prevalent misperceptions about the US among the general public in the country.

In this regard, he called for supply of solar system based generators for Swat, Malakand and other areas affected by terrorism. The Prime Minister recalled that the US Secretary of State during her recent visit to Pakistan had agreed to the resumption of result-oriented strategic dialogue on the basis of roadmap provided by Pakistan and stated that the dialogue should be scheduled in the immediate future.

The Prime Minister also drew attention of the US National Security Advisor towards fast deteriorating conditions of road communication network between Karachi and Peshawar and between Karachi and Quetta-Chaman sectors due to heavy container traffic carrying supplies for the US-Isaf forces. He hoped that the US would assist Pakistan in revamping its road infrastructure to ensure un-interrupted smooth supplies for its forces in Afghanistan.

The Prime Minister stated that while Pakistan was fully committed to take its ongoing operations of clearing its territory from the terrorists and extremists to its logical conclusions, its forces were over-stretched because of continuous tension on the Eastern border. It was imperative that the US should be sensitive about Pakistan's core interests ie Kashmir, water issue, Indian military capability and the requirements of balance of power in South Asia.

The US hence has to use its influence with India for resumption of composite dialogue and lessening of tension with Pakistan to enable Pakistan to concentrate its attention and energies in the fight against militancy and terrorism, he added. General James L Jones (R) apprised the Prime Minister that he was sent to Islamabad by the US President to assure Pakistan's leadership of his sincere intention to pursue a long-term strategic partnership based on mutuality of interests and mutual respect.

The US considered Pakistan as its most strategic ally and wanted to proceed on a new way forward through consultations and coordinations on every important bilateral issue particularly the ones related to the counter-terrorism and counter-insurgency, he added.

He agreed with the Prime Minister that the new US policy on Afghanistan should be formulated by taking into account the vital interests of Pakistan. James said that the US was committed to assisting Pakistan economically, in reconstruction of militancy affected areas and in capacity building of its forces. The US would also work for strengthening of co-ordination between its and Pakistan forces through enhanced intelligence sharing to defeat the common enemy.

He assured the Prime Minister that the Obama administration fully recognised Pakistan's concerns about the long term peace and security of South Asia and would keep urging the Indian leadership to return to composite dialogue process.

Minister for Defence Chaudhry Ahmad Mukhtar, Minister for Foreign Affairs Makhdoom Shah Mehmood Qureshi, Minister for Finance Shaukat Tarin, Senator Syeda Sughra Imam, Secretary Defence Lieutenant General Syed Athar Ali (R) and Foreign Secretary Salman Bashir were present in the meeting. Ms Anne W Patterson, US Ambassador to Pakistan was also present during the meeting.

Copyright Associated Press of Pakistan, 2009

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