Home »Stocks and Bonds » Pakistan » Oil prices rise to be automatically passed on to consumers from next month

  • News Desk
  • Jun 15th, 2008
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Pakistan will automatically pass on any increase in world oil prices to domestic consumers from next month, and phase out subsidies entirely by the end of 2008, a senior official told Reuters on Saturday.

The government overshot budget allocation of Rs 15 billion for subsidies by a whopping Rs 160 billion ($2.4 billion) in the past year because it failed to pass on any increases when oil prices doubled during that period. The official said that because of the subsidies consumers were paying equivalent of $70 for a barrel of crude, almost half the prevailing international market price.

"Starting by July 1, 2008, consumer fuel prices will be increased periodically over and above the international price increases, to reach a parity between domestic and international prices by the end of December 2008," the official said.

Pakistan is currently paying following oil subsidies based on per litre average international prices for petroleum products in May: Rs 44.11 (66 US cents) on kerosene oil; Rs 37.07 on high speed diesel; Rs 33.65 on light diesel oil; Rs 7.15 on motor spirit; and Rs 4.37 on high octane blending component. The government is also aiming on slashing electricity subsidies given to the Water and Power Development Authority (Wapda) to Rs 3 billion in fiscal year 2008-09, from the current Rs 21.3 billion.

Copyright Reuters, 2008

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