"It was the pressing demand of Benazir Bhutto that all cases against her should be withdrawn before presidential election, and the government has accepted it", the Minister for Railways said while addressing an Iftar-dinner hosted by Rawalpindi Chamber of Commerce and Industry (RCCI). Former RCCI president Pervaiz Aslam and Sr Vice President Kashif Shabir also addressed the function.
The minister said that the coming three months would be crucial for Pakistan politics and, after general elections, the smokescreen would clear. "I have suggested to the government to shorten the electioneering campaign, keeping in view the international wave of violence", he added. The country, he said, "is passing through acute political crisis" where any wrong step from any side would threaten the country's economy and political stability. The present wave of terrorism and extremism has caused undaunted damages to Pakistan's economy and foreign investment in Pakistan, he said, adding that "no foreigner got killed in terrorist acts, while the miscreants were shedding the blood of innocent Pakistanis.
He said that uncertain political situation and daily changing scenario had caused depression among people and they are uncertain about the future political setup of the country.
The minister criticised the resignations of opposition alliance, APDM, saying that during last five years they enjoyed laurels and now just for a few days they resigned. "It is a mockery of people's mandate given to the opposition parties in last elections", he said.
The minister urged RCCI to take concrete steps to establish a provincial level modern industrial setup in Rawalpindi so that it would help eradicate unemployment and poverty besides help in industrialisation. "If industries are not set up in Rawalpindi it will turn into a consumer market," he added.
Ecnec and CWP have approved mega projects including Leh Expressway and Rs 2 billion have been released to Rawalpindi Development Authority for preliminary work of the expressway project, he said.
RCCI President said that blockades erected by the government off and on had caused terrible loss to business community. The government should change the policy of blockades and give people chance to live in peace, he said. He also called upon federal minister to take immediate measures for launching development work on Leh Expressway.