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  • Jun 6th, 2007
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In a meeting between the Ministry for Information and Broadcasting and private broadcast channels, Pakistan Broadcasters Association (PBA), recent developments in government-media relations were discussed.

The government and the private channels reiterated their resolve to uphold the integrity of Pakistan, its armed forces, the judiciary and religions, social and culture values of Pakistan.

It was agreed that all broadcasts and programmes will avoid aspersions on the judiciary and integrity of the armed forces, says a PBA press release. Information Minister Mohammad Ali Durrani said the freedom enjoyed by the media in Pakistan had come to stay and no attempt was afoot to curb the freedom of expression, information, press and their independence.

He emphasised that his government took pride in having pioneered the establishment of Private TV and Radio channels in the country and considered it a source of strength for both democracy and accountability, having facilitated the birth and growth of the electronic-media in the private sector of Pakistan. President Pervez Musharraf was keen that it grew healthier and stronger without any let and hindrance from any quarter.

In the same spirit, channel owners demanded necessary amendments in the Pemra laws, rules and regulations to make them in consonance with the principle of natural justice that nobody should be condemned unheard, which is a basic fundamental and constitutional right of every citizen of Pakistan.

The channels representatives also emphasised that broadcast of any TV, Cable and Radio channel should not be suspended or proscribed abruptly, and their licenses and transmission should not be suspended or revoked without serving on them prior show-cause notice and providing to them ample opportunity of hearing and defence before any such action.

The heads of TV channels discussed the overall environment prevailing in the country with particular reference to government-media relations and called for the creation of an atmosphere conducive to the freedom of expression and information enshrined in the Constitution of Pakistan.

They pointed out that curbs on media specially cable operations were against the norms of freedom of expression and information and should he avoided by the government.

The channel owners reiterated their position that they reserved their constitutional right to seek amendments in certain existing Pemra laws, rules and regulations which were inimical to the freedom of expression and information. They said that they were equally concerned about the difficult phase through which the country was passing and would play their role with full responsibility.

The government and the media owners agreed that working journalists will be provided every facility and security in the discharge of their professional responsibilities.-PR

Copyright Business Recorder, 2007

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