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Spain and Pakistan on Friday rejected identifying terrorism with any nation, culture, or religion, and urged the international community to respond in a concerted manner for its prevention.

A joint declaration released simultaneously from Islamabad and Madrid at the end of President General Pervez Musharraf's official visit to Spain from April 24 to 27 condemned terrorism and called for addressing the issue of terrorism in all its complexity.

They urged adopting necessary measures for its prevention, with full respect for rule of law and the norms of international humanitarian law. Both countries strongly condemned terrorism as criminal and unjustifiable, posing serious threat to peace, stability, and international security and an attack against the fundamental values shared by all nations.

Pakistan and Spain reiterated commitment to study initiatives for the development and strengthening of intercultural and inter-religious dialogue. They also noted the contributions made by the Alliance of Civilisations in the framework of the United Nations and Pakistan's strategy of 'Enlightened Moderation' that was also appreciated by Spain.

The two sides supported the central role of the United Nations in the international community's efforts against terrorism. Both sides vowed to intensify exchange of information between different State security forces and other agencies in the fight against terrorism, and affirmed to put into practice new forms of effective collaboration, including adoption of new bilateral co-operation agreements.

The talks between Pakistan and Spain focused on eight areas, including co-operation in political area, combating human trafficking, multilateral issues, defence and security, economic and trade, Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), cultural and scientific education and international affairs.

While vowing "to begin a new phase" in their bilateral relations they pledged increased collaboration to combat human trafficking, terrorism, trade, defence, science and technology. The two sides agreed to start negotiations to sign an agreement on co-operation in the fight against organised crime, terrorism and illegal immigration.

Joint working groups comprising high officials from competent ministries will meet every year to promote co-operation in this area. Both parties will promote co-operation in legal migration and consular affairs and explore the possibility of signing an agreement on the transfer of sentenced prisoners.

Pakistan and Spain agreed to constitute Joint Working Groups to meet periodically and raise the economic and trade relations to the desired high level. They will also accelerate procedure to ink agreement on Double Taxation to promote industrial co-operation between their private sectors with special focus on new technologies and sustainable development.

Expressing satisfaction over the implementation of the Protocol on Bilateral Consultations the two sides agreed to intensify co-operation within international organisations and multilateral fora, to face together global threats and challenges, especially terrorism, radicalism, drugs, illegal immigration and human trafficking.

They also agreed to deepen their bilateral relations within the context of European Union-Pakistan relations. Spain acknowledged the role of Pakistan as a major contributor to the United Nations System as well as its role as major contributor to peace keeping missions as part of their efforts towards international peace and security.

Both parties acknowledged the joint relief efforts by Pakistan Armed Forces and the Spanish contingent deployed in the Arja and Bagh areas as part of the Nato Response Force in the aftermath of the October 2005 earthquake. Spain appreciated the access granted by Pakistan to its logistical shipments for Afghanistan.

Spain will increase its co-operation with the National University of Defence and exchange academic experience and knowledge in security and defence, as well as intensify contacts on matters of interest to both Ministries of Defence.

The two sides discussed the prevailing situation in South Asia. Pakistan briefed on the peace process with India for the resolution of all outstanding issues, particularly Jammu and Kashmir. Spain expressed support for the dialogue process and lauded efforts towards normalisation of relations through resolution of all issues between Pakistan and India.

Spain and Pakistan considered that proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMDs)and their means of delivery both to State and non-State actors as one of the most serious threats to international stability and security.

Both parties welcomed the establishment of an effective system of national export controls, controlling export and transit of WMD-related goods including a WMD end-use control on dual use technologies and containing effective sanctions for breaches of export controls.

Both countries termed cultural, scientific and technical co-operation as the basis for strengthening relations between Spain and Pakistan and agreed to give fresh impetus to their co-operation by signing a memorandum of understanding which could lead to a bilateral agreement.

They identified wide-ranging possibilities for collaboration in culture, education, and science, such as conservation of historic and cultural heritage, dissemination and teaching of respective languages and cultures, and exchanges of students and experts.

Spain and Pakistan reiterated their firm commitment to the government and people of Afghanistan, as well as to the 'Afghanistan Compact' and its vision of a secure, stable, democratic, and prosperous country, free of terrorism and in peace. They also highlighted the importance of regional co-operation as an effective means of promoting security, good governance, and development in Afghanistan.

Spain and Pakistan noted that a number of positive events have occurred in the Middle East including gradual reactivation of the Quartet; growing involvement of principal Arab States, and in particular, Saudi Arabia, in regional stabilisation; conclusion of the Makkah Inter-Palestinian agreement; contacts between President Abbas and Israel Prime Minister Olmert; formation of new Palestinian national unity government; and 19th Summit of Arab States.

They also discussed the situation in Lebanon and Iraq. Spain and Pakistan agreed that solution to the different problems affecting the Middle East involved dialogue and negotiation, with the positive contribution of neighbouring States and regional actors.

The international community should not fail to take advantage of the opportunities being offered to put an end to the conflicts affecting the region. Spain appreciated the initiative taken by Pakistan to facilitate the resolution of the conflict in the Middle East.

Spain and Pakistan reiterated the need to achieve a comprehensive reform of the UN Security Council based on the widest possible consensus, and through an open, transparent and inclusive dialogue among all member States, including permanent members of the Security Council. Both sides agreed to co-ordinate their efforts and to focus on aid development activities by the United Nations agencies, funds and programs.

Spain supported the inclusion of Pakistan among the pilot project countries for the implementation of 'One UN' development programs, as recommended by the UN High Level Panel on System-wide Coherence. It also praised Pakistan's commitment to a more efficient and better-resourced multilateral framework for development co-operation.

In recognition of Pakistan's commitment to sustained improvement of the multilateral framework, Spain will explore new ways of efficiently supporting the compliance of Pakistan with the Millennium Development Goals and the UN reform process. Pakistan appreciated the creation of the Millennium Development Fund by Spain. Spain supports Pakistan as one of the pilot project countries in the UN reform.

Copyright Associated Press of Pakistan, 2007

the author
