"The attacker refused to be checked and detonated his explosives," said Aslam Khattak, a senior police official in DI Khan. Seven people, including two police personnel were wounded, he said. The dead and injured persons have been shifted to District Headquarters Hospital where emergency has been declared.
A doctor at the town's main hospital said three people had been killed, including the bomber. Security officials in Dera Ismail Khan said earlier six people had been arrested on suspicion of planning suicide attacks in late Sunday raids and some explosives seized from the suspects.
Interior Minister Aftab Ahmed Khan Sherpao said on Monday investigators were still trying to determine who was behind the attacks. Police in Sindh province said they believed suicide bombers would try to attack Shia leaders in Karachi during Muharram processions on Tuesday.
Meanwhile, a hand grenade was thrown inside the house of one Shaikh Ramazan, who resides near the Imambargah in Phool Shah in Tank, according to reports received here from Dera Ismail Khan, reports UPP. The police are investigating into the matter while security alert has been tightened all over Dera Ismail Khan.
SEARCH OPERATION: Police has launched a thorough search operation in NWFP after a suicide attack in Dera Ismail Khan district, an Aaj TV channel report said on late Monday.
Police arrested at least eight Afghan nationals and 16 Pakistanis from Dera Ismail Khan in link with the suicide bombing that killed a policeman and a civilian. NWFP Chief Minister Akram Khan Durrani condemned the terrorist suicide attack and vowed to deal with iron fist who challenge the government's writ.