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  • Nov 2nd, 2006
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President Pervez Musharraf on Wednesday said elections in 2007 would be the most important milestone in Pakistan's history and moderate forces must emerge victorious, which held the key to the country's bright future.

He made these remarks while addressing the officers from Sialkot and Gujranwala Garrisons after attending the inaugural session of the Corps War Game at the Gujranwala corps headquarters. He said obscurantists must not gain foothold in the country as there is no room for them in the country's future. His address to the officers was all encompassing and focused on international and regional environment.

Giving his vision for future, the President said we must control extremism sustain economic and democratic reforms and address all issues that are critical to the country's growth and security in the long term. Musharraf explained in detail his vision and strategies to deal with the situation in Fata, Balochistan, strategy to sustain economic growth and bring down the benefits of the growing economy to people of Pakistan at the grassroots level.

The War Game code named "RACHNA 06" is aimed at evaluating the efficacy of operational plans of the corps under the likely battlefield environment. Syndicates representing opposing forces presented their analysis of the environment hypothesis and response options.

"RACNA 06" would continue for a week in which opposing of plans shall be pitched against each other to evaluate their efficacy and draw suitable lessons. The President urged the officers to concentrate on enhancement of professional skills as constant vigil, sound training and thorough preparation were the only way to guard against any internal and external threat.

He said extensive training to enhance operational preparedness has become all the more necessary in the face of impending challenges due to the complex security environment prevailing in the region. He dilated upon the prevailing geo-political environment and gave his view how Pakistan as a country and its Armed Force were facing the existing challenges and preparing for the future.

In the conventional field, the induction of hi-tech weaponry to enhance the fighting punch of the three services is proceeding as per the envisaged force goals. Restructuring of the army has resulted in improving teeth to tail ratio, while making resources available to add to the Army's fighting potential, he added. The resources, he added, have been made available after reducing 50,000 personnel from the Army and restructuring about 59,000.

"We are proud of this achievement and all this has been made possible due to country's improved economy", the President said. Talking about the current environment in the country, the President said it should not cause any concern to the people since turbulence is temporary and is cause due to our own efforts in which we are trying to deal with these issues, which have been put under the carpet by the previous Government.

He said that dealing with issues like conversion of B Areas into A Areas, water issue, control of extremism in the country Hudood laws etc would certainly cause disturbance and political upheaval.

"But we are prepared to do it because solution of these issues is in the country's long term benefit," he said. The address, which was attended by over an hour and was followed by a question-answer session of the same duration. Vice Chief of Army Staff General Ahsan Saleem Hyat and other senior officers of the Army were also present on the occasion. Earlier, upon arrival at the corps Headquarters the President, Pervez Musharraf was received by the Corps Commander, Lieutenant General Anis Ahmed Abbasi.

Copyright Associated Press of Pakistan, 2006

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