The US-drafted resolution allows nations to stop cargo going to and from North Korea to check for weapons of mass destruction or related supplies. It was adopted after the United States, Britain and France made some modifications to dealt with last-minute objections from Russia and China.
"Today we are sending a strong and clear message to North Korea and other would-be proliferates that there will be serious repercussions in continuing to pursue weapons of mass destruction," US ambassador John Bolton told the Security Council's 15 members.
The resolution requires all countries to prevent the sale or transfer of materials related to Pyongyang's unconventional weapons programmes. And it demands nations freeze funds overseas of people or businesses connected with North Korea's nuclear and ballistic missile programs.
In a concession to China, the resolution specifically excludes the use of force, but allows economic sanctions and a restriction on naval and air transport.
But by allowing cargo inspection, the document still puts an international imprimatur on the US-led Proliferation Security Initiative. This was launched in May 2003 and encourages countries to interdict weapons from North Korea, Iran and other states of concern.
North Korea's UN ambassador said his country "totally" rejected the Security Council's resolution. Ambassador Pak Gil Yon told the council at a public meeting that Pyongyang conducted a nuclear test because of the "hostile policies" of the United States.
Wang Guangya, China's UN ambassador, told the council Beijing still opposed interdiction and urged nations not to take "provocative steps". The resolution also drops a ban on all arms going to North Korea, but it puts an embargo on all large-sized conventional arms.
In Washington, a US intelligence analysis showed radioactivity in air samples collected near the suspected nuclear test site, a US official said on Friday, five days after Pyongyang announced it conducted the test.
"That's right, though this is only a first look. People have been saying all along that the working assumption is it was a nuke," said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity.