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  • May 28th, 2005
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President General Pervez Musharraf has said that the GDP growth rate should be sustained at more than eight percent so that Pakistan can emerge as an Asian tiger in the years ahead. Talking to reporters after a visit to the Pakistan Steel Mills on Friday, the president said the country would post a GDP growth rate of more than 8.3 percent in the current fiscal year to June 30. "The economy needs to sustain this pace of development and grow over eight percent for a number of years," he said.

Replying to a question, President Musharraf said the economic conditions in the country were very good from all points of view. He said: "All macroeconomic indicators are positive and now we are in the process of transferring the economic gains to the people of Pakistan in the rural areas and in the cities."

"We want to address the issue of poverty alleviation and unemployment," he said, pointing out for the first time in the country's history both of them recorded a downward trend. "We need to sustain this as well as to control the prices and inflation," he added.

President Musharraf pointed out that a strategy to this effect was being followed now.

Replying to a question he called for improving the quality of education in the government-run schools and said the government was also making efforts in that direction.

Earlier, speaking to the PSM officials President Musharraf said that the government is fully focussing on poverty alleviation and the efforts are showing results.

Musharraf said that steps were being taken for enhancing the income of rural population where 70 percent of the people dwell.

He said that in the urban areas efforts are being exerted to create more job opportunities. He said that steps were also being taken to check the price hike.

"These are the three directions on which we are working," he added.

The President declared that the strategy in the rural areas has been very successful and prosperity was emerging there.

He that cotton production has been 15 million bales and wheat production is 22 million tons and because of this there is an income generation to the tune of Rs 60 billion in the rural areas.

Musharraf cited increase in the sale of motorcycles in rural areas by 500 percent. The sale of tractors, refrigerators, television, bicycles, fans etc in rural areas has also increased substantially, he added.

He said that attention is also being paid towards water management in the rural areas. Food processing industries would also be set up there.

The President said in the cities attention is being paid towards construction industry where there is quite a boom. He stated that information technology and telecommunication would create job opportunities in the urban areas.

Musharraf said those having any skills are getting jobs. He exhorted the people to learn any skills in order to get employment.

He advised the youngsters to acquire skill in accordance with the requirements of the industry.

About the price hike, he said that there has been some increase and explained that there are two reasons for this: the rising oil prices and the gap between supply and demand of commodities.

He said that when there is economic growth at the rate of 8.3 percent, demand increases while supply remains the same and, because of this, prices increase.

He said that the government is taking measures to check the prices.

The President said that the government would import meat, and the prices of meat would go down. He said that the salaries of government employees would be increased.

Copyright Associated Press of Pakistan, 2005

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