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  • News Desk
  • Aug 28th, 2004
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The Trading Corporation of Pakistan (TCP) has made amendments in its second international tender for the import of 450,000 tons wheat, which was floated last week.

According to TCP sources, these minor changes have been made on the request of bidders at the pre-bid meeting held on August 25 at Corporation head office.

TCP has allowed the bidders to indicate their preference for PSI nomination. However, the Corporation will appoint the pre-shipment inspection agency from its panel.

The cost of inspection, sampling, testing will be borne by the seller.

The Corporation has also extended the time for submission of bids from 2 pm to 4 pm on August 30, 2004.

In addition, the validity period is by 6 pm on August 31, 2004.

Meanwhile, one ship carrying 45,000 tons wheat from Russia will reach Karachi Port by September 15, while another with 50,000 tons Australian wheat will arrive on September 26, 2004.

According to TCP Chairman Masood Alam Rizvi here on Friday, loading of wheat has already started at Russian port Neberossysk and would sail in the next few days.

Another ship will berth Australian port Kembla by September 4 and sail by September 7, 2004, for Karachi.

It may be noted that KR had awarded contracts of 464,000 tons wheat to four parties at an average price of $ 210 per ton C & F Karachi against its tender for the import of 500,000 tons wheat to meet for domestic requirements.

Cargil Inc of Switzerland has won the award for 64,000 tons; Australia Wheat Board for 100,000 tons; Agrico Trade and Finance of Switzerland for 150,000 tonnes; and Louis Dreyfus Corporation of USA 150,000 tons.

A local private sector wheat importer, who preferred not to be quoted, said that there was no complaint about Russian wheat, except its colour. "This wheat is consumed in Turkey, Egypt, Malaysia and Algeria and it has more protein and gluten than US wheat. The added advantage is its price. Let the wheat come. You will see yourself," he said.

Copyright Associated Press of Pakistan, 2004

the author
