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  • Jun 10th, 2004
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Dr Arbab Ghulam Rahim, former Sindh minister for power and works and MPA from Tharparkar, was sworn in as the 26th Chief Minister of Sindh at a graceful ceremony held on the lawns of Governor House on Wednesday evening. Governor Dr Ishratul Ibad Khan administered the oath.

The new Chief Minister will seek vote of confidence at a specially convened provincial assembly session on Thursday evening at 5:30 pm.

The oath taking ceremony was largely attended by former Sindh ministers, advisers to the chief minister of Sindh, members of the Sindh Assembly, diplomats, high ranking civil and military officers, former coalition partner in the Sindh Government, city nazim, naib nazim and political workers of Muttahida Qaumi Movement, Pakistan Muslim League (Q), Pakistan Peoples Party Patriots, and elite of the city.

Leader of the opposition, along with his colleagues, boycotted the ceremony.

Chief Secretary Dr Mutawwakil Kazi read out the appointment order and conducted the proceedings of the ceremony.

Earlier, in the morning Sindh Assembly met for ascertainment of confidence of the provincial assembly of Sindh for the purpose of calling upon a member of the provincial assembly of Sindh to be the chief minister as contemplated by Article 130(2-A) of the Constitution of Pakistan.

In a house of 167 members, Rahim succeeded in getting vote of 98 members and was elected Leader of the House. The opposition did not participate in the voting.

Eleven members Dr Manzoor Hussain, Irfanullah Khan Marwat, Choudhri Iftikhar Ahmed, Syed Ali Bux Shah, Syed Sadaruddin Shah, Sardar Manzoor Ali Panhwar, Syed Manzoor Hussain Shah alias Syed Ghulam Hussain, Kanwar Naveed Jameel, Sardar Nadir Akmal Kham Leghari, Syed Shoaib Ahmed Bukhari and Syed Sardar Ahmed had moved motion that Arbab Ghulam Rahim, MPA, commands the confidence of the majority of the members of the provincial assembly of Sindh to be the chief minister of Sindh as contemplated by article 130(2-A) of the Constitution of Pakistan.

Speaker Muzaffar Hussain Shah clubbed together all eleven motions and put them before the House for ascertainment.

Rahim was the only candidate for the CM slot as the opposition did not nominate a candidate, as leader of the opposition Nisar Khuhro had said that change in the provincial politics was badly needed. "The change has come with our nod; therefore, we do not consider fielding our candidate in the run," he added.

Immediately after the ascertainment, Speaker Muzaffar read out the prorogation order.

The assembly proceeding were not smooth as after the recitation from the Holy Quran members offered Fateha for about 270 victims of acts of terrorism including Haidri Mosque suicide attack, Imam Ali Reza Imamabargah bomb blast, Pakistan American Cultural centre bomb blast and assassination of Mufti Nizamuddin Shamzai. Some members criticised the government for its failure to control terrorism in Karachi.

Vocal members from the opposition passed remarks and gave judgement on the day to day working by the Sindh Governor Dr Ishratul Ibad, which the speaker expunged.

"According to rules, the members of the assembly are not allowed to pass judgement on the working of the governor in the House. I therefore expunge all that has been said," he said.

The opposition continued to remain critical of MQM and the governor for the kind of governance they have brought with them and called for strict maintenance of law and order in Karachi. They attributed all acts of terrorism in the city to MQM leaders and activists.

Nisar Khuhro raised the issue of killings in Karachi and said that they had already offered Fateha for the departed souls of more than 270 people but how long this Fateha Khawani for the victims of terrorism would continue on the floor of this House? "When we want to discuss these issues and point out weaknesses of the government, speaker sahib asks us to sit down. What kind of system or justice is it?" he asked.

Speaker said that the session had been called for a special purpose and that should be completed first. "If the opposition has other points for discussion it may requisition a session for that purpose separately."

Rahim said that he would sit with the opposition and sort out itching problems. "With consensus we will develop a relationship that would be a step toward better understanding between treasury and the opposition. After all a change has taken place in Sindh and improvement is expected. I assure the opposition of my fullest co-operation in all matters of public interest."

Khuhro said that these were only statements from a chief minister of a very routine nature.

He said, "Despite all lotacracy PPP is the largest single party in this House and should have been given its legitimate right to show its strength. It has not been done and I have my reservations."

After the ascertainment, Rahim thanked the House for showing confidence in him and levelling his way to the chief minister-ship.

In his maiden speech as chief minister, Rahim said that restoration of law and order in Karachi in particular and in Sindh in general, bringing about good governance in government department, cheap and easily available justice to the poor, reforms in the police set up and creation of employment opportunities would be his priorities.

He said that crime control would be made possible through the co-operation of the civil society.

He said that acts of terrorism were common in many parts of the world. Nothing can be done if somebody has prepared to kill himself and a few others. Blowing up oneself is difficult to control by others."

Rahim said that crime control needed study of its causes.

He said that necessary changes in a system that leads to the world of crimes would be possible only after the basic corrections had been carried out.

He said that creation of jobs was a difficult task. "Sindh Being an agrarian province emphasis would be on the improvement of agriculture. It would be my priority to ensure facility to increase production, water conservation and its proper utilisation through proper lining of canals and khalas," he said.

Rahim said that availability and distribution of water was yet an issue. "I am of the opinion that first we should improve water distribution system in the province and put our house in order and then talk about more water from the Indus Water System. I would ensure that tail enders get their due share of water."

He said that once things at home had been corrected "then discussion on big dams and water reservoirs would be appropriate."

Rahim said that education was one the weaker areas in Sindh. "We have not done much in this regard. Our educational institutions need improvement. We have huge buildings but the output is hopeless. We will have to improve it."

He thanked opposition in particular for its support and not pitting its own candidate against him for the chief minister-ship.

He said that he was thankful to PML President Shujaat Husain, Prime Minister Zafarullah Khan Jamali, President Pervez Musharraf, MQM chief Altaf Hussain, Pir Pagara, and the coalition partners for their support in making "what I am today".

Rahim addressed a press conference at the Chief Minister House after oath ceremony in the evening and again spelled out his priorities that he had earlier dilated upon on the floor of the House.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2004

the author
