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Home »Weekend Magazine » BRIDGE NOTES: Chicago bridge induces hasty bidding

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  • May 1st, 2004
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Chicago four-deal rubber bridge is a form of bridge invented in America in the middle of the 20th century. This kind of bridge ensures speedy results as compared to normal rubber bridge with uncertain durations to complete two games to make a rubber, most of the time. Further, it allows players in waiting to get a chance in quick succession.

The popularity of Chicago is stretching far and wide in other continents for its appeal. In Asian countries, this form of the game is played most in India, Sri Lanka and Indonesia in good measure. In Pakistan also, it is picking up despite, resistance to it for a brief duration of play earlier times. Now, in the social clubs of Islamabad and Lahore, it looks as though it has taken firm roots for quick results and turnover of points by the bridge players. Karachi is not far behind in adopting this form of bridge at the leading clubs in the city. But still, the charm of normal rubber bridge hold a sway for leisurely approach to the game and people prefer to play normal rubber bridge for extended enjoyment. But the excitement and challenge of Chicago Bridge is likely to replace normal bridge at the clubs at a faster pace.

In one of the leading social and sports clubs of Karachi, the normal rubber and Chicago bridge sessions are held by a set of players alternatively. But it was observed that the players of Chicago Bridge tend to make more mistakes in excitement in order to make the most within the limited four deals that they are allowed to play.

Recently, apart from game contract of doubtful success a bid of slam contract reflected hasty play during a Chicago bridge session.

The deal is reproduced below that sheds ample light on the disadvantage of Chicago, if it is not taken in the right spirit.


On seeing the dummy the declarer realized he stretched the bidding a bit too much on his weak holding despite being void in diamond suit. The North, a player of middle order of the game with some experience bid, well on his fifteen high card points with good support in spades. He only invited the South to the game by jump bid showing more values. And if he had more values than bare opening hand, he should be contented a sure game. But the South ventured into a slam for sheer excitement without logical assessment of his own strength and holding.

The first trick was won by ruffing in hand. Then, the declarer played a small heart to the king in the dummy and returned the eight of hearts, which East ruffed with great relish. Finally, he had to lose one club trick at least if he were to tackle the suit correctly. He took the right course of play in clubs and led a small card of the suit towards the ace in dummy after losing finesse to the king. And finessed nine of clubs on way back when the West showed out. In the end the contract went down one by one trick. Bad result. It could have been worse.



South West North East

1 S Pass 2 C Pass

2 H Pass 3 S Pass

4 NT Pass 5 D Pass

6 S Pass Pass Pass


Dealer South

East-West vulnerable


S K107

H K8

D K1086

C AQ76


S 38

H Q105432

D AJ42

C 2


S 542


D Q9753

C K1083



H A976

D ------

C J954


Whether in Chicago or in normal rubber the principles of bridge do not change.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2004

the author
