Briefing the meeting, Director General Shoaib Siddiqui, said that as compared to previous year Rs 9468.998 millions more were collected, while from July 2016 to June 2017, Rs 6010.873 millions were received in term of motor vehicle tax, Rs 40604.825 millions in term of infrastructure cess. He said that Rs 1894.608 millions were collected in the head of property tax and Rs 357.024 millions in term of professional tax while remaining amount was collected in terms of other taxes such as cotton fee, entertainment duty etc.
Mukesh expressed his satisfaction over performance of the department and said that it was a matter of great pleasure that his department had got 108 % tax targets and hopefully would continue this practice in the years to come. He seconded the suggestion of secretary and director general to award cash prizes and appreciation certificates to those officers and officials who showed excellent performance in recovery of the taxes. Secretary Excise, Taxation and Narcotics Control Abdul Haleem Shaikh and Director General Shoaib Ahmed Siddiqui also attended the meeting.
Copyright Business Recorder, 2017