Directorate General Intelligence and Investigation (DGI&I), Customs, FBR, Karachi on Saturday claimed to have seized contraband goods worth Rs 2.603 billion during last four months. According to official details, the Anti-Smuggling Organisation (ASO) of DGI&I, Karachi under the directives of its DG Shaukat Ali kicked off crackdown against the bootleggers. During the last four months, the DGI&I claimed to have confiscated some 40 luxury vehicles worth Rs 1.353 billion and seized other smuggled goods including Indian Gutka, cell phones, Iranian diesels, cigarettes, etc worth Rs 50 million from different vicinities.
In addition, the ASO team of DGI&I also claimed to have recovered 1.5 ton of hashish during said exercise. The market value of contraband hashish was estimated to Rs 1.2 billion.
Copyright Business Recorder, 2017