Tahir Khattak said that the company has a lot of export orders as compare to minimum number of manufacturers. He said the company for the preparation of ammunition has also installed computerised manufacturing machinery. He said the company in collaboration with Ministry of Interior is also working on arresting the menace of smuggling and to regularise the arms' manufacturing and turned it into an innovative and export-oriented industry to beside creating employment opportunity for the people also earn foreign exchange for the country.
Talking about difficulties faced by the company in the development of industry, he said all-around the world it is considered as commercial product, but in Pakistan the no-objection certificate (NoC) instead of the Ministry of Commerce is issued by the Ministry of Defence. The company, he said had raised the matter with the Ministry of Commerce and progress on it is continued. He said the company after starting work on product development sent to US and European market to achieve quality certificate. He said European quality standard institute (CIP) approved access of Pakistan products to their market.
He said BATF an American organisation has also certified it as per standard of the United States and permitted its import to their country. The company, he said had adopted cluster development approach to mobilise new investors for making investment in the sector to build the production capacity of the industry and attract new potential investors and creates employment opportunities.
The CEO PHSADC said that federal government given funds for the installation of a CFTC (Common Facilitation and Training Centre), where all manufacturers will manufacture their products on minimum charges and utilise all cluster for the manufacturing of the same product. He said presently, 50 to 60 units had agreed on utilising of the facilities to provide employment opportunity forth people. He said the company has offered the security forces of the country for the use of the products manufactured under the supervision by the local manufacturers.
He said that the present provincial government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is also keen in the promotion of industrial sector and this sector is potential to bring improvement in the industrial development of the province. He said the company is capable for provision of quality arms and ammunition to the police in manifold less cost than that borne on imported arms and ammunition.