Pakistan Muslim League-N clinched three reserved seats for women and PML-N women MPAs include Kiran Haider, Samina Khan and Rahila Hamid Durrani while the minority seat went to Santosh Kumar. Among the three MPAs of Pashtunkhawa Milli Awami Party (PkMAP) on reserved seats for women are Miss Fariza, Shapoz Mai Achakzai and Masooma Hayat while William Jan Barkat is notified as minority MPA.
Two MPAs of National Party on reserved seats for women include Yasmin Bibi and Dr Shama Ishaq while Hainderi Masih has become MPA on minority seat. Shahida Rauf and Husan Bano were notified MPAs on reserved seats for women on the ticket of Jamiaat-e-Ulema Islam-Fazl. Dr Ruqayya Saeed Hashmi was allotted women reserved seat on the ticket of Pakistan Muslim League-Q.