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  • May 23rd, 2013
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Imperial businessman ex-president Karachi Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Father of ex-president chamber of commerce and industry Lahore (Ifran Qaiser) and Business leader Qaisar Ahmed Sheikh succeeded with big margen in NA-86 and selected the member of national assembly.

The success of this man is basically the pure success of those people which is attached with industry because in his presidency period the world famous company (LG-Korea), BURNASS Malaysia, going join venture with Pakistan and a big volume foreigner investment.

These intellectual steps promote the Pakistan industry in national and international levels and recognised their efforts in world-wide. I hope so in the supervision of great political and business leader Muhammad Nawaz Sharif and Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif again play a key role to build the strong economy of country.-PR

Copyright Business Recorder, 2013

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