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Independent MPA-elect from Kohistan, Abdul Haq, on Thursday announced joining Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf (PTI) after expressing full confidence in the leadership of its Chairman, Imran Khan. The independent MPA announced joining PTI during a meeting with the Chief Minister designate, Pervez Khan Khattak.

Those present on the occasion included provincial General Secretary, Shaukat Ali Yusufzai, Azam Khan Swati, President PTI, Kohistan, and Gulzada Khan, former member Provincial Assembly, Maulana Dildar and Gul Dad Khan. Speaking on the occasion, the Independent MPA, Abdul Haq, expressed confidence in both Imran Khan and PTI and is confident that the Party will play its due role in the removal of the backwardness from district Kohistan.

On this occasion, the CM-designate, Pevez Khattak said that PTI will make hectic efforts for the removal of the backwardness on priority basis of all those districts ignored in the past. He said that PTI will bring real change in the province and will resolve the problems of the people at their doorstep.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2013

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